As I look around me I am so inspired those people whom I have the privilege of communicating with on a daily bases. I wonder do they realize how much I learn from them.
Whether it is going through the motions of returning to college and finishing up their degree, or having the courage to go in to the doctor and find out what is happening to their body I am in awe as I see their true concern, but as they cross that invisible threshold and face their obstacle then move forward I am reminded of the challenges each of us face sometimes on a daily bases.
For me the most recent obstacle has been taking care of my bothersome knee. In March (the first weekend actually) I climbed on the kitchen chair that has rollers, and then climbed onto the kitchen counter top. I have done this all my life. This time however I twisted my knee. I began taking AdvoCare’s OmegaPlex along with their Joint Promotion. My chiropractor told me it would take about a month before it would begin to help, and it did.
Then when our vacation to Bryce Canyon was rapidly approaching me decided that it wasn’t getting any better and sought the advice of my physician, who took x-rays, then sent me to the Orthopedic Surgeon. I didn’t make the MRI or the Orthopedic Surgeon appointments until after our amazing vacation because I was afraid that I would end up with some type of knee surgery. I did manage to do some hiking on our vacation, but I was truly limited on what I could do. Oh there was so much to see and do.
Two weeks ago, with x-rays in hand (CD form) I took that step over the invisible line, and went to see the Orthopedic doctor. He told me that I had a bout of arthritis and that he didn’t think I would need surgery. Boy was I happy to hear this; he ended up giving me a Cortisone shot. He said that the next two days would be rough, then I would be a lot better in two week and in two months hopefully I will be back to 100%.
Personally, I like to be proactive in my health care. The beginning of October I begun taking Advocate’s Biotool’s this product has been designed specifically for us Baby Boomers. If you were born between 1946 and 1964 this is you. I continue to take the AdvoCare’s OmegaPlex and Joint Promotion. My knee is feeling much better.
I am quite aware though that it is very important for me to continue to strengthen the muscles that surround my knees. I want to keep my flexibility for as long as I can. My plan is to take some “Warm” water aerobic exercises, along with using bands, and walking. Then move up to doing some gentle yoga.
Look, it’s all about the little steps which we take each day, that keep up going forward. Sometimes those things we know we need to do don’t make us feel comfortable but they are good for us.
Remember EACH day we wake up, is a new life, another opportunity to step across that uncomfortable invisible line and start.
Till next time.