
Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Is it a cold or the flu?

Here it is again fall! I love watching fall arrive here in the Mid-West. With the coolness of the air comes the annual of the changing of the leave colors. I know with it though that lurking right around the corner is …the cold and flu season.

Did you know that the common cold, including chest cold and head cold, can be caused by more than 200 viruses? OMG!!!  Or the seasonal flu is caused by either influenza A or B viruses. Cold and flu remedies can usually ease symptoms. Antiviral medications like Relenza or Tamiflu are helpful if prescribed soon after flu symptoms start.

I think that we are beginning to see the beginning of this. Recently quite a few of my co-workers have come down with that eerie sore throat, headache, and annoying cough.

What can we do to prepare ourselves? Personally, after catching the “Whooping Cough” a few years ago I go and have an annual Flu shot. And every so many years I get an additional Phenomena shot.  Remember to cough into your arm, and wash your hands frequently. We also wipe everything down periodically in hopes of keeping the “Germs” at bay.

Recently AdvoCare introduced a product called CitriZinc.  It is for people wanting to improve their immune support. Many people don’t obtain adequate vitamin C, vitamin D or zinc in their diet. This can place them at increased risk of immune related diseases ranging from the common cold to more serious conditions.

CitriZinc™ is an easy-to-take chew with the delicious flavor of lemon and lime. CitriZinc supports immunity by providing three important nutrients most of us arent getting adequate amounts of in our daily diet: vitamin C,vitamin D, zinc to name a few.

Here is a link to my website should you be curious about any Advocare products: www.advocare.com/11032570

Get prepared this year, and please take care of yourself.
Till next timeJ

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