
Thursday, November 24, 2011

Christmas waves a magic wand over this world, and behold, everything is softer and more beautiful. ~Norman Vincent Peale

Christmas waves a magic wand over this world, and behold, everything is softer and more beautiful. ~Norman Vincent Peale
Even though Christmas is probably one of the most stressful times of the year, I still love it. Oh it isn’t the hustle and bustle of the shopping that appeals to me. It’s the peace, the friendliness that I so enjoy. I find that most people this season start out being very much in this mood, but then the closer us approach Christmas Eve they become more stressful.

Here are my suggestions:
First decide what is important for you to complete and do this now. For me this year I have told myself that I will have written out our Christmas Cards and they will be in the mail on Monday morning.

Second remember we are all human beings just doing the best that we can. We may not be able to buy that big expensive thing that our children are sure that they ARE going to get. In case you have been living on a different planet we are in a recession. There are ways out there to show that you care without maxing out your credit cards. I am at the age where I really enjoy spending time with my loved ones, friends, family, Grandkids all of them are so precious. This year I have made many loaves of Amish Friendship bread to use as presents. If you are lucky you may get a slice.

Third enjoy the Christmas music. It is special and brings a certain spirit with it.

Finally there is a lot of helpful websites to get you organized and it isn’t too late.

One of my favorites is:www.familywithapurpose.come You will hear from me soon as I finish up my Nanowritmo challenge.

Till next time, relax and enjoy the beauty that surrounds us.

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