
Thursday, September 29, 2011

Why Cell Phones and Driving Don’t Mix

It was 7:30 in the morning as I got in my car and started driving myself to work. It was a truly beautiful Mid-West Fall morning. As I reached the main street that leads to the freeway I found myself looking at the other drivers. At first I thought it was just my imagination playing a trick on me because it seemed like every driver that I looked at had their hand cupped to their ear talking on their cell phone. I couldn’t believe my eyes. I couldn’t help to wonder what was going on that was so important (this early in the morning) that they had to be talking to someone. Then I began to wonder how awake these people are anyway?  I managed to make it safely to work but noticed the same thing as I drove back home. The only difference going home I took the side streets instead of the freeway. Yep, I saw the same thing. Going home some of the drivers were so engrossed in their conversation that they ignored the “Green” left lane turn light!

To me the notion thought of talking on a cell phone while driving a car –OR Motorcycle (oh yes saw this tonight) while driving a car isn’t safe seems obvious.

And the only logical reasons I can think of for talking / texting during driving:
Trying to get directions from someone on the other line and you has no paper to stop and write it down
Addiction to cellular phones
So please stay safe. It is an important step in getting healthy. And if you happen to be one of those who are gets sucked into your cell phone conversations while you are driving, please remember those other people around you. You are taking big chances on your life and the lives of the people that surround you.

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